
“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

​Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s presence in the world of time. The place where we meet Him in a most remarkable fashion is in the Sacraments, seven unique sacred events that He established for us as moments of grace to share in His divine life.

​- Saint Ambrose of Milan (d. 397 A.D.) asserts that, “you have shown yourself to me, Christ, face-to-face. I meet you in your Sacraments.”

​- Saint Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274 A.D.) teaches that “a Sacrament is a sign that commemorates what precedes it – Christ’s Passion; demonstrates what is accomplished in us through Christ’s Passion – grace; and prefigures what that Passion pledges to us – future glory.”

​- The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines the Sacraments as “efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to us” (1131).

​The seven Sacraments that Christ Himself established for our celebration and encounter of Him touch all the stages and most important moments of Christian life: they commence the Christian life and bring forth healing, deepen joy and define mission. Each of the seven Sacraments has its own vital place, although the Holy Eucharist stands at the center of them all.
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church

SACRAMENT: An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit (774, 1131). The Sacraments (called “Mysteries” in the Eastern [Catholic] Churches are seven in number: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance (or Reconciliation), Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony (1210).


To schedule a baptism please call the parish office and complete the Record of baptism form. New parents will need to schedule a baptism class. This session is informational and also enriching for parents. It is preferable to schedule this session during pregnancy. Information concerning the actual sacrament and necessary requirements are discussed at this session.

Record of Baptism Form - Download and submit to the parish office.



The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), is offered Monday at 5:45pm, Tuesday at 5:45pm, Wednesday at 7:30am, Friday at 7:45am, Saturday at 4:00pm, and Sunday at 7:45am. For individual appointments, please schedule with Fr. Walter wtuscano@htassumption.org or call 419-644-4014.


For children and youth wishing to receive Confirmation, please see additional information under PREP-Religious Education.


R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

​Adults wishing to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and/or Confirmation can do so by attending the RCIA Program. The group meets weekly (October through Easter) with the RCIA team who present on a variety of topics related to the Catholic Faith, prayer, and the sacraments. Adults going through the RCIA Program will receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass. To register for RCIA, please fill out the R.C.I.A. Registration Form.

Sponsor Eligibility Form - Download form and submit to deacondjm@gmail.com

For children and youth wishing to receive First Eucharist or Confirmation, please see additional information under PREP-Religious Education.



According to Diocesan guidelines, couples are required to contact the priest at least six months before the wedding date. This allows for adequate preparation and personal contact between the priest and the couple preparing for marriage. The couple usually meets several times with the Presider and attends an Engaged Couples Day. Couples should contact Fr. Walter Tuscano - wtuscano@htassumption.org or 419-644-4014 - as soon as possible prior to their wedding. Marriage preparation includes the FOCUS survey and communication sessions facilitated by the Pastor.


Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated upon request. Anointing is for someone who is seriously sick, is chronically ill, or facing surgery. A person may be anointed more than once, if there is a reason.


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